Wednesday 23 January 2013

Recipe Of The Week !

I am going to make this by next Wednesday! 
Watch out for more vintage recipes being posted weekly!

From Betty Frank

Thursday 10 January 2013

1961Newspaper found!!

Tonight I thought I would get busy helping take up my mums dining room flooring ready for the new floor to be laid.  To my surprise and joy underneath the floor tiles was a few layers of newspapers from 1961! Many of the pages are in great condition.  I have rolled then all up for safe keeping and I will scan a few pages in soon! The adverts and job vacancies are brilliant, I have been reading them and deciding which jobs I may have applied for. 

I love finding treasures like these, I would love to find some more!

Thursday 3 January 2013

New Year, New Venture!

So welcome to 2013 and exciting new year and as they say, in with the new and out with the old! This year myself and a friend have started a new venture, with my love or should I say OCD for cleaning and Chelle's love for gardening we have joined forces to create The Dinky Ladies Cleaning Services! 

With clients already we have been set to work however there is a twist in our style of cleaning, we use more traditional methods and mix them with modern methods to leave you with a sparkling clean home. So visit to find out more.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Thats Right !!!!!!!!

This summer I graduated from UCA with a 2:1 in Graphic Design !
I cant believe I actually passed after 3 years of battles with my design work and the tutors ! I do believe that we all see things differently and I constantly battle with the terms "thats wrong" or "Its a starting point but its not yet fully developed yet"!I have always wondered who actually wrote a book on whats wrong or right in design/art and why are they right! We are see and understand things differently from design/art.

After suffering the 6500 word essay which I have still no idea how I managed to pass!

When graduation day finally arrived I had the perfect outfit and did graduation in 50's style!!!!

Sill with my pill box hat!!!!!

Looking a little chuffed with myself !

Oh yes I wore my gloves!
So that's me now with a BA Degree and I am not even sure if uni was worth it!!!!

Monday 15 October 2012

The Vintage Winter Ball !!!!

On Wednesday we will be hosting special offer prices on The Vintage Winter Ball Tickets so check out on Wednesday, plus find me on facebook !!!!!!!

Monday 24 September 2012

The Vintage Winter Ball.......

The Vintage Winter Ball Tickets are available to buy at
For the rest of September Tickets are £15 each
October Tickets are £20 each
and December's Tickets are £25 each
We will be hosting promotional days throughout each month so watch out, keep a check on our facebook, The Dinky Emporium !! 

Fabric Shopping anyone?!?!

We have got a beautiful bundle of vintage fabric, we have popped it on sale on ebay 

Happy Bidding !

Saturday 22 September 2012

The Vintage Winter Ball !!!!!!

Do not miss out!!!!!!!!!
Special offer tickets go on sale on Monday at

It is going to be an amazing evening!!!!!

see you there !!!!!!

Saturday 15 September 2012

See you all tomorrow !!!!!

Hope to see you all there!!!!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Vintage Vogue

Keep Sunday the 9th September free!!!
As we are getting close to winter you need to stock up your wardrobe with some beautiful vintage pieces to keep you warm!

I hope to see you all there 
